Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ain't Convocation nor Conviction

I had to swallow up my pride yesterday. Before this I said repeatedly that I will not joining the convocation after I finished up my study. But then there were no choices left for me as my dad using his 'force' to make me do it. In the end I found it was really tiring and troublesome but somewhat satisfying. The most important thing is the support of my family and my friends. Thanks so much for all the bouquet and gifts. To Miss Siti Aminah, your book was the best. No offend to the others, your gifts and those flowers were so beautiful but I like that book the most. Really.


Nhaz's Beauty Shoppe said...

the price of the book is sooooooooooooooo expensive.. it's valuable.. heheh\(",)

siti said...'re so sweet.huhu..make sure you'll read it.

rizz_one said...

really???? the books is the best???
how about the flowers and the teedy bears???i think that is the best of the best......believe me....huhuhu

ayin said...

sorry for a simple thing that i give u...and may i borrow the special book....

siti said...

don't ask about the's doesn't matter..hehe

ayin said...

after u can arg?